This article will provide you with guidance and resources to create and save your CSV file so that it's compatible with Conversica's Lead Uploader.
Preparing your CSV File
Lead files must be formatted as a CSV file to work compatibly with the Lead Uploader. You will need to create your file using a database program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.
Tip: You can see a reference of a properly formatted file by opening the Lead Uploader and downloading the Conversica Example.
Follow these tips to ensure the CSV file that you create is error-free and compatible with the Lead Uploader.
- Your file's first row must consist of column headers (For example, Name, State, Rep Name, etc.). Headers are mandatory and are used to map your file's information with Conversica fields.
- Name and Email columns are required.
- Please ensure that each lead in your list has a valid email address before submitting it. If any lead's email address is missing or incomplete, please delete the entire row containing their information. Submitting a list with incomplete contact information harms your domain's health and gradually reduces your deliverability rate over time.
- Note: For SMS First conversations, email can be excluded but there must be an opted-in phone number in its place.
- When populating the fields in your columns, be sure to leave no field blank, as this will result in an error when uploading your file.
- Note: If you do not have a lead's name, enter "Null" as the cell value. This will prompt your AI Assistant to use a general salutation in their messaging.
- If your CSV file contains a column indicating the lead's Do Not Contact status, you can map the column and its values in Step 3 of the Lead Uploader. Leads with values mapped to the Do not message leads with the value field will be suppressed from messaging when the file is launched.
Saving Your CSV File
After you have formatted the data in your spreadsheet, follow this checklist to save your file.
- Ensure that the file size is less than 2MB, as the Lead Uploader will not accept any files larger than that.
- Microsoft Excel Users: When saving your spreadsheet file in Microsoft Excel, choose the "CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv)" as this is the file type required by the Lead Uploader.
- Google Sheets Users: When downloading your spreadsheet from Google Sheets, be sure to choose the "Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet)" option to ensure compatibility with the Lead Uploader.
- Use an effective naming convention when you create your file name. Using a unique and identifiable name to make it easy to locate and confirm you are uploading the correct leads. Suggested naming conventions include:
- Conversation Type (lease_reengage.csv)
- Versioning (offleaseoutreach_v4.csv)
- Upload Date (YYYY.MM.DD.reengage.csv)
Now that your file has been saved in the correct format, you are ready to import it into Conversica using the Lead Uploader. For complete instructions, refer to Importing Leads with the Lead Uploader.
Troubleshooting Your CSV File
If you are having difficulty accessing or using either Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, please visit either of the links below to access their official Help Centers.
Microsoft Excel Users: If you've saved the file type as CSV UTF-8, but you encounter an error message indicating that the CSV is not UTF-8, the file may contain characters that are not being encoded properly. Please visit Microsoft's Support Center for help resolving this issue.
Q: What if my CSV File contains a column that has no corresponding Conversica field to map to it?
A: If it is not mapped to a Conversica field, the values will not be uploaded.
Q: If my File contains some reps who are no longer at my organization, what will happen?
A: You will have the option to either map those reps to another Conversica user or use Round Robin to assign the leads between active Conversica reps.
Q: My File contains leads that I don't want to be messaged, but I haven't uploaded it yet. What should I do?
A: You will want to remove those leads from your CSV prior to uploading it.
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