How to uninstall Conversica from the org. Answered
As part of the business requirement I want to uninstall Conversica Managed Package from salesforce org completely.
I have removed some of the references. Still there is one reference present in the org which I am not able to understand.
Page Layout |
Contact.Contact Layout |
This installed component is referenced by a locally created component. System Administration. |
Is there any way by which we can remove the above reference? And delete the Conversica Managed Package completely from the org.
Official comment
Hi Vedanti,
My team recommended following these steps to remove these steps to remove the Conversica Managed Service Package:
Any issues would be best directed at Salesforce Support, as it is likely to be highly organization-specific. -
Hi Vedanti,
I am checking with my team to get an answer for you. Will update here as soon as I can. Thank you for your patience!
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