Event Data refers to items in Conversica that we match with items found in your systems of record. For example:
- Opportunities in a CRM that are matched against a lead in Conversica
- Sales in a DMS that are matched against a lead in Conversica
- Closed Repair Orders that are matched against a customer in Conversica
- Appointments in a DMS that are matched against a lead in Conversica
Previously, this data was available in the Legacy reports that showed a list of opportunities and matching lead data that was similar to the lead data found in the Lead Manager.
However, it was separate from and inconsistent with the information found in the Lead Manager.
In order to make information found in both the Lead Manager and Reports more consistent, this Event Data has been transitioned from the separate Legacy report into the Lead Manager itself.
We have also introduced these Event Data metrics into Conversica Reporting by reimplementing them as part of the Lead Funnel Report to help further visualize and more clearly track converted leads and customers.
Differences from Legacy Reporting
In most cases, these New Event metrics will match the Legacy Analytics shown on the Overview pages. However, in some cases, there may be differences between these metrics including:
- The Legacy Event report only uses an event date cohort (i.e. the Opportunity date), while the New Event reporting uses multiple available cohorts. For the New reports to match the Legacy reports, you should select the "Ever Became an Opportunity / Sales / Closed RO in range" date cohort (shown below):
- Legacy metrics may be out of date by as much as several days, especially when using custom and/or longer date ranges while the New metrics should be current (within 15 minutes).
- In some cases, the Legacy metrics shown on the overview page may be inconsistent with the metrics shown in the Legacy event report. In these cases, the New metrics will match the correct metrics found in the Legacy event report.
- Legacy revenue metrics were capped at $100K per opportunity and resulted in underreporting for larger opportunities. The New metrics will report the correct amounts, resulting in more revenue being displayed for larger opportunities.
- In some rare cases, Legacy metrics may have included orphaned negative revenue amounts that were not associated with a positive revenue which canceled out some revenue metrics resulting in the exclusion of opportunities that they should not be taking credit for. The New metrics will not count these orphaned revenue amounts.
Event Data Metrics
The following Event Data metrics have been introduced into the Reporting Beta:
The Lead Funnel report now shows the following metrics in accounts that have non-zero values for these metrics:
- Leads with Assisted Opportunities (and % of Engaged Leads)
- Leads with Assisted Sales (and % of Engaged Leads)
- Leads with Assisted Repair Orders (and % of Engaged Leads)
- Assisted Appointments (and % of Engaged Leads)
The following metrics are available in the Comparison reports:
- Leads with Assisted Opportunities (and % of Engaged Leads)
- Assisted Opportunities (and % of Engaged Leads)
- Assisted Opportunity Amount
- Leads with Assisted Sales (and % of Engaged Leads)
- Assisted Sales (and % of Engaged Leads)
- Assisted Sales Amount
- Leads with Assisted Repair Orders (and % of Engaged Leads)
- Assisted Repair Orders (and % of Engaged Leads)
- Assisted Appointments (and % of Engaged Leads)
New Date cohort for accounts with Event Data:
- Ever Became an Opportunity/Sale/Closed RO in range
New filters for accounts with Opportunities:
- Opportunity Stage
- Opportunity Status
Lead Funnel Category Changes
In addition to the changes listed above, the labeling found on the Lead Funnel Reports has been revised to reflect these reporting enhancements and is displayed below:
Note: Metrics will only be shown to customers who have ever had the metric populated.
(Example: Customers with no Closed RO data will not see the Closed RO metric.)
Automotive Sales
The label has been updated from "Assisted Sales" to now display as "Leads Ever Became a Sale."
Automotive Service
The label has been updated from "Assisted Repair Orders" to now display as "Leads Ever Became a Closed RO."
Non-transportation Accounts that calculate events based on opportunities (i.e. Salesforce Integrations)
The label has been updated from "Assisted Opportunities" to now display as "Leads Ever Became an Opportunity."
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